You will be received by the nurse at the assigned ward where you will be admitted. S/he will accompany you to your room, explain to you how to utilize the facilities available in your room. The nurse will provide you with the bill of rights and responsibilities in SGH-Dubai.
Your Medicine
When you arrive, kindly inform your respective Nurse/Doctor about any medication you have been prescribed. If you cannot bring your medication with you, we will arrange the same for you. The medical team will review your medications while you are in the hospital since they may need to be altered or stopped. We will not stop any prevailing medication without your consent. Your designated Nurse will retain the medication in your assigned medication locker at the nursing station. Upon discharge, your medications will be returned back, should the concerned Doctor approve its use. In case you require a different prescription, it will be provided.
Important telephone numbers in Saudi German Hospital-Dubai
Chief Executive Officer : +971 4389 0508
Chief Nursing Officer : +971 4389 0130
Patient Relation : +971 4389 0109
Customer Relation : +971 4389 0190
In case of Emergency
Saudi German Hospital – Dubai is well prepared for emergency evacuation. Each floor has 6 emergency exits and at the 1st floor, we have 8 emergency exits. All Exits are identified on the map available in your room. Always wait for staff assistance.
Please don’t use lifts in case of fire. Signs are placed at all levels to guide you to the nearest exit.
Complaints and Compliments
Saudi German Hospital – Dubai values your opinion and feedback. In case you want to lodge any complaint or pen any compliment, please ask the staff to provide you with the feedback form.
Support of Customers with Special Needs
Saudi German Hospital – Dubai has designated special parking areas for Customers with Special Needs, with clear notification signs close to the main entrance ground floor. Throughout the Hospital, toilets for customers with Special Needs are appropriately located. The hospital is well equipped to receive patients with a special need for in-patients services, as well.
Wi-Fi and Mobiles
You can use your mobile in the hospital unless you see the sign of prohibition in restricted areas. If you require internet access, kindly contact the staff for login details.
No Smoking Policy
Saudi German Hospital – Dubai is an NON SMOKING facility by law. For smokers, an area outside the hospital is allocated. Your abidance with this rule is a must.
The meal menu is substantial and covers different types of cuisines. You will be provided with 3 meals daily, subject to your respective Doctor`s/Dietician`s instructions.
Visitors Timing
Our visitors’ timings are daily between 10:00 – 22:00 Hrs
On Fridays, children are allowed to visit.
Interpreter Services
We provide our customers and patients quality communication services. If you find it difficult to proceed with our system please don’t hesitate to approach the nearest reception and inform that you need guidance whether to translate or any other service.
Things to tell us
Do you have any allergies?
Are you taking any medication?
Do you need someone to deal with your benefits, pensions or allowances?
Do you have any valuables that need to be kept safe?
Will you miss any outpatient appointments while you are in the hospital?
Do you need to send a sick leave to your employer?
Our Medical and Nursing staff
Upon arriving at your allotted ward, we will provide the details of your dedicated Nurse(s) or healthcare assistant(s). During shift change, the designated Nurse/Healthcare assistant will introduce themselves, to enable you to know whom to call in case of any queries. Each ward is managed by a Ward Manager, who can be contacted at any point of time to address your concerns. All SGH-Dubai staff carry Identification badge with their Name, Photograph, and designation. A Doctor will be available 24 hours in the ward in case you need any clarification(s).
Your treatment
You will be required to sign a consent form prior to any procedure(s), at our Hospital. This is a legal requirement to help protect your rights and to ensure that you understand the risks and benefits of the procedure(s), as well as any alternatives available. During the course of your stay, we may need to take further tests to help in better understanding your medical condition. If you are not sure about anything related to your treatment, please do ask your Doctor or Nurse.
Time and date of discharge
Planning for your discharge will begin on or before admission. We will discuss your estimated date of discharge, your specific needs and work out a schedule for the same. Most patients go back home when they leave the hospital. In case you require community support services, we will get it arranged. We aim to ensure your quick recovery.
Room privacy
We provide designated wards (inpatient & outpatient), OPD, accommodation facilities separately for both men and women. We aim to ensure your privacy and dignity is maintained at all times.
Your personal information
On arriving at the hospital, we will gather specific information to ensure appropriate care. This information will be kept confidential and enable us to provide you enhanced care for future treatment at our hospital. As per the UAE healthcare regulation, we require to gather specific information. As a hospital policy, only staff related to your medical care can access the given information and strictly maintain confidentiality at all times.
Reporting of special cases to Dubai Health Authority
In case of special infectious disease, the hospital will send your details to Dubai Health Authority (i.e.: HIV, Hepatitis B and Tuberculosis)