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The most common types of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeries include:

  • Impacted Wisdom Teeth
  • Gum Graft
  • Tooth Implants
  • Maxillofacial trauma
  • Upper jaw, lower jaw and facial fractures
  • Jaw and Teeth repair Surgery

Dento-Alveolar Surgery craniofacial surgery for congenital problems cancer and injuries involving the skull base (working with neurosurgeons) facial surgery for cancer (working with oncologists, ENT Surgeons, and dental specialists) skin cancer surgery (working with dermatologists)

You will need an oral or a maxillofacial surgery if your tooth or jaw procedures go beyond the control and expertise of a general dentist. However, if your wisdom teeth are impacted, or you are suffering from a gum disease, your tooth has been severely damaged, fractured or need to be replaced, you have jaw tumours and cysts, and injuries in the mouth, teeth, and jaws, facial injuries – complex craniofacial fractures, fractures of the lower jaw, upper jaw, cheekbone, nose, and orbit (sometimes all of these together) and soft tissue injuries of the mouth, face and neck. then you will need an oral or a maxillofacial surgery.

The procedures undertaken by oral and maxillofacial surgeries include:

  • Surgical treatment of facial injuries – complex craniofacial fractures, fractures of the lower jaw, upper jaw, cheekbone, nose, and orbit (sometimes all these together) and soft tissue injuries of the mouth, face, and neck
  • removal of head and neck benign and malignant tumours
  • reconstructive surgery – including micro-vascular free tissue transfer
  • removal of impacted teeth and complex buried dental roots
  • removal of jaw tumours and cysts
  • cosmetic surgery such as face lifts, eyelid and brow surgery and correction and reconstruction of the nose (rhinoplasty)
  • temporomandibular (jaw) joint surgery
  • salivary gland surgery – for benign and malignant lesions
  • surgical treatment of cleft lip and palate and other congenital facial deformities
  • surgery of skin lesions of the head and neck
Oral & Maxillofacial surgeons use the latest surgical techniques to treat dental issues of the patients. The 3D technology allows the surgeons to view the details and inside view of the mouth to detect the root cause of the problem. For some years oral and maxillofacial surgeons have successfully used micro-vascular surgical techniques to help transfer tissue from one part of the body to another. The tissue including bone can be transferred from the forearm, thigh, lower leg, pelvis or abdomen to the face or neck. The small blood vessels of the tissue are then connected to the recipient vessels in the neck.

At Saudi German Hospital, we have a dedicated team of dentists, orthodontics, and cosmetic dental surgeons and highly specialised OMF Surgeons who provide a more focused and detailed approach for the assessment and treatment of patients suffering from complex dental traumatic injuries and other types of dental problems. Our vision is to transform the lives of people with the best and comprehensive medical and dental health.